barring the typical beginner recommendations for webdev one might bring up, such as freeCodeCamp, w3schools, etc.), if you’re looking for a more hands-on learning approach, i can highly recommend going through the foundations section of the odin project.

what i like about it is that it is intentionally built for a more intermediate/advanced type of learner: it provides minimal handholding and expects the learner to read more outside resources and look up the answers independently. for how daunting it may sound, it makes an effort to actually teach such problem solving, and imo it’s a highly valuable skill every web developer should master. being able to look up answers on your own is a heavily underrated yet practically essential in any corner of software development, webdev included.

the only caveat to mention is that the course requires a unix-based development environment [linux, mac, or wsl]. this is because it is a full-stack web development course and its main stated goal is teaching people skills for landing a job in tech. for personal site development, especially without a framework or a server setup, this can be a bit overkill, especially to those who don’t already use a unix-like operating system [hello windows users], but much of the material pertaining specifically to client-side html/css/js should work just about everywhere.